Sirma Group Holding

The largest Bulgarian group of IT companies

Sirma Group Holding is the biggest Bulgarian group of IT companies. Since 1992, Sirma has been turning innovative ideas into successful businesses. Sirma Group consists of over 20 subsidiaries and joint ventures that specialize in different areas of IT. In addition to standard software solutions and system integration, the expertise of the holding covers various areas of technology – mobile technologies, electronic government (e-government), banking and insurance, semantic technologies, etc. Most of the companies in the holding develop entirely new ideas and manufacture unique new products and services. The Ontotext works with the largest global publishers and is a leader in the field of semantic technologies. EngView, which has more than 10 years of experience in the development of CAD/CAM systems, has the second largest market share in the world in the field of CAD/CAM packaging systems. Sirma Mobile works in the field of mobile technologies, it won the first place in the category “Best Mobile Internet Security Award” at the prestigious international competition for mobile innovations SIMagine Awards 2011.

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