Zeron V/4 keeps a card index of the employees with their positions, pictures, home address and various other characteristics. Information is kept for the cars, machines and equipment for which the individual employees are responsible. Information is also kept for tho history of the positions held.
The employee information can be grouped by departments, work centers, workshops, brigades, teams, etc. Calendars and work shifts are kept. The time spent can be tracked. The different solutions of Zeron V/4 also support planning of free/occupied employees project work and other tasks as a team.
The subsystem for business process management (BPM) can be used to define and manage the business processes for hiring employees as well as to automate working with company forms of requests for leave, transfer, quitting, as well as various types of approval for these actions by the management.
So far we have no plans to develop our own module for payroll (Labor and Remuneration) at Zeron, but we have made a software connection with various programs for Labor and Remuneration and for Personnel. After making a market research we selected the company MSoft with its program product "Style" as our main software partner. For information about this product click on the links below.
IMPORTANT: Whey you purchase Zeron and the "Style" program product for Labor and Remuneration and for Personnel at the same time, you receive a 10% discount from the total value of the purchased products (but no more than BGN 200)
Please call us for more information on relations of Zeron with other products for Labor and Remuneration and for Personnel.